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The 2019 edition of the Valentine‘s Day Romantic Boating Date Cheat Sheet.

(I have our boat in my name so Skipper ain’t going anywhere!)

Have a sailing or cruising blog? Feel free to post my comics. All I ask in return is a credit by linking back to my website. Plus, I’d also love to check out and share your blog, so send me an email so I can check it out... and who knows, our cruising paths may cross one day!

Sarah Steenland - Cruising Cartoonist

Also seen on Azuro Republic

The only thing that makes me consider looking at buying another boat is Sea Monkey’s talent for getting up a good roll when a swell comes into a anchorage in the middle of the night. We met a couple of cruisers in Langkawi who also live on a 41ft Morgan OutIsland who have solved the shallow draft issue by purchasing a stabiliser. They said it cut the roll down by 80%! It’s now on my wish list! 

When you’re sailing at night and the conditions are perfect, it’s like flying through space!

Have a sailing or cruising blog? Feel free to post my comics. All I ask in return is a credit by linking back to my website. I’d also love to share your blog, so send me an email too!

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